Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Satyagraha, By Mahatma Gandhi - 1410 Words

In 1869, one of the most prominent and influential men to ever live was born. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born in Gujarat, India. Known for leading India to its eventual freedom and inspiring movements across the world, Gandhi became India’s ‘Father of the Nation’. His non-violent and non-cooperative civil disobedience provided a sense of truth and firmness. Better known as Satyagraha, as coined by Gandhi, became one of the best methods to fight injustices. Around the world, Satyagraha has proven to work amongst others besides the Indians. In 1905, thousands of workers protested in Russia to overthrow the Tsar and for better working conditions for the peasant working class. Not only did it work in the 20th century, but Satyagraha has worked in the 21st century. In 2005, a breakdown occupying the Faroe Islands commenced leaving all workers to protest in hopes for raises throughout their civil disobedience acts. During the 1980s, the US government used the Marsha ll Islands as a nuclear test site and natives used non-violent protests in hopes to end the lease and be able to return back to their homes. While Satyagraha was a concept developed in 1906, the method is constantly used and was used even before Gandhi. Around the same time Gandhi was born, Satyagraha was imminent throughout Russia. During the late 19th century, Russia’s autocracy was under attack. In 1894, Nicolas II replaced Alexander III and attempted to make several liberal reforms, but the reforms failed.Show MoreRelatedGandhi s Effect On The World1174 Words   |  5 Pagesmarch which had the Indian independence. Gandhi played a major role in the development of nonviolence and peace activities. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was the pre-eminent political and spiritual bellwether of India and the Indian independence movement. He had many adherents, and edified many how to protest placidly, instead of utilizing violence and war. 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